Agricultural Planning in Hawaii Presentation
Presentation slides about the history of agricultural planning and land use classifications in the islands.
Includes an overview of the LSB, ALISH, LESA, and IAL classifications systems.
Presented to frame the Building a Hawai?i Agricultural Plan from the Grass-Roots Up session at the close of the 2022 Hawaii Agriculture Conference.
Session Description
A Hawai?i Agricultural Plan would increase collaboration, align policy, and attract funding for all participants across the sector. In this interactive session consideration will be given to the current landscape of agricultural planning and ideas, and feedback will be solicited that can inform the development of a plan built on the needs of producers. The Plan would provide a common road-map for growing Hawai?i agriculture.
- Michelle Galimba (Facilitator) County of Hawaii , D6 Councilor elect
- Hunter Heaivilin (Facilitator) University of Hawaii at Manoa / Supersistence
- Rogerene Arce (Panelist) Department of Agriculture, County of Maui, Director
- Sarah Freeman (Panelist) County Of Hawaii
- Earl Yamamoto (Panelist) Hawaii State Department of Agriculture, Planner